About Me

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My name is Kieron, I have been MSA kart racing for 3 years. I currently use a TONYKART chassis with a ROTAX JUNIORMAX engine. I regularly race at RISSINGTON Race track

Sunday 22 March 2009

Last sheni race

I tried to write about the race and what happened at the time, but I had no internet connection.

The pratices went well and on one of the end pratices I had a massive pile up, I bent the side pod which is a side skirt, bent the strenghening beam behind it and bent the raditor. The side pod split into two but with good old gaffa tape we managed the race.
My times on Sunday started badly, 58 second laps which is slow, but, after my dad adjusting a few things we got down to 47 seconds, the track record is 44 secs so pretty good.
On Sunday afternoon at the time for the final race we were told where we would be starting, and because of the crashes and the engine playing up I was starting right at the back,
25th, and at the end I came 20th, not bad with the engine playing up!!!
Here's to the next race week-end, 18 and 19 April, EASTER.

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